1                      Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington
2                      University of Canterbury, Christchurch
3                      University of Waikato, Hamilton, North Island
4                      Lincoln University, Lincoln
5                      Auckland University of Technology, Auckland
6                      Unitec Institute of Technology, AuckJand
7                      Otago Polytechnic, Dunedin & Auckland
8                      Manukau Institute of Technology, Auckland
9                      Ara Institute of Canterbury, Christchurch
10                    Eastern Institute of Technology, Napier
11                    Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology, Nelson & Blenheim
12ATMC NZ- Nelson Mar|borough Institute of Technology, Auckland Campus
13Whitireia New Zealand, Porirua
14Southern Institute of Technology, lnvercargill
15Wellingto n Institute of Technology (WelTec), Wellington
16Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki (WITT), New Plymouth
17North Tec, Whangarei
18Tai Ohomai Institute of Technology, Tauranga & Rotorua
19Auckland Institute of Studies, Auckland
20Pacific International Hotel Management School, New Plymouth
21UC International College, Christchurch
22Whitecliffe College of Arts and Design, Auckland & Christchurch
23Whitecliffe College of Fashion and Sustainability, Auckland & Welling ton
24Whitecliffe College of TechnoJogy & Innovation, Auckland, Wellington & Christchurch
2SAGi Education, Auckland
26 Profession„a1 Business & Restauran„t School, Auckland
27          Aspire2lnternational Group, Auckland, Wellington, Tauranga & Christchurch
28          New Zealand Institution of Education { NZIE), Auckland
29New Zealand School of Education (NZSE ), Auckland
30Le Cordon Bleu, Wellington
31Newton College of Business and Technology, Auckland
32Kauri Academy, Auckland
33Taylors College, Auckland
34New Zealand Airline Academy, Oamaru